Dr. Viktoriya Zipper-Weber

So, how do we get to talking? Please see the information below that I hope answers any questions you might have when it comes to an initial consultation, pricing, process, and duration. Along with my contact details, there is nothing that stands in your way of making that first step and setting up an initial consultation. I look forward to hearing from you!

Vienna | Lower Austria | Online

All beginnings are…EASY!

All beginnings are… EASY! After you have gotten in touch either per email or per phone, we will pop a date in the calendar for our initial consultation. This will serve as the time to get to know each other, we will touch on any issues you might be facing or areas which you would like to develop. However, the real big question will be: do you feel understood and unconditionally accepted by me, could you picture yourself talking to me about any and everything so that we can find solutions and improvements together? Only if you feel that I am the right therapist for you and you see the possibility of us working together efficiently, and I can answer all of your questions or worries with satisfaction, can the actual therapy commence. Of course, in some cases, coming to this conclusion within only one session is not always possible, however, within 5-10 sessions you will clearly see if the relationship we share as client and therapist is effective and the right one for you.

I look forward to getting to know you!

Where can you find me


1210 Wien

Pius-Parsch-Platz 8/3

Lower Austria

2201 Gerasdorf bei Wien

Kuhngasse 1-3 /1 / 1
Entrance Preglgasse 2

Lower Austria

3970 Weitra

Bahnhofstraße 195

What you should keep in mind

A therapy session (private) lasts 45 minutes and costs 100 euros. For couple or family therapy, a double session would be required and therefore comes to double the single session. Upon arrangement, in specific cases, a reduction in pricing is possible. A partial reimbursement by statutory health insurance is possible, as well as all private health insurance companies (e.g. UNIQA, Wiener Städtische, Allianz, etc.) cover 80-100% of the costs for an average of 10-20 hours per year. Likewise, the OeH currently provides a certain subsidy for psychotherapy for all students (up to 250 euros). For the self-employed, my coaching can be deducted as further training costs (when claimed), and some progressive and forward-thinking employers give their employees both psychotherapy and coaching (even during working hours) and cover part of these costs.

Psychotherapy has a very unique process. It has different starting points, as each case is unique and has various problems, individual wishes, and different goals. Which is why there is not one ‘duration fits all’ because each case will accordingly need to run its own course. For short-term therapy this process usually takes between 10-20 sessions but can last for several months or years until the desired improvement is achieved, the quality of life feels different, and you feel – regardless of your life situation – a lot more authentic, safer, more in line with your values, and ultimately happier.

Therapy sessions usually take place weekly (single or double hours) or every 14 days. As the therapy progresses, the frequency is reduced, depending on the needs of the client.

Usually fixed appointments will be agreed upon by both parties for certain days of the week and at certain intervals, which must be met by both parties. Should the dates be postponed once or twice – it’s not a problem. However, if you need to make a cancellation then please notify me in writing (e-mail, SMS) at least 48 hours before the agreed appointment, otherwise the agreed hour will be billed.

Psychotherapists are subject to a legally anchored absolute duty of confidentiality. This confidentiality obligation serves to protect the relationship of trust between the client and the psychotherapist, which is essential for the success of the psychotherapy (§ 15 PthG).